
Capa Flor A Secret Revealed

The Capa Flor cigar takes the Mexican tobacco reputation and places it appropriately center stage to craft this great cigar. This time it is Nicaragua and Ecuador that are drawn upon to serve as supporting leaves to help best express the flavors and nuances of this Mexican Cigar.

Layers of complexity, balanced flavor, and strength, establish the Capa Flor as a cigar that can surely hold its own against blends from the dominant cigar nations.

San Andres Valley

The Valley of San Andres Tuxtla is considered the cradle of the best tobacco in the world. The finest cigars have been made with the best crops of this very special soil.

The constant evolution of the high quality products and the everyday most refined palate of consumers, has led to discover that the blend of different raw materials of high quality, create products of superior quality.

Through Santa Clara Special Edition, we have accomplished a exceptionally blend. We use Tlapacoya selection, ligero with Supreme binder Creole of San Andres and the incomparable smoothness and color of the Habano wrapper from Ecuador.

This is a special creation which most be preserved adequately and enjoyed peacefully. Such a product, made with so much patience, dedication and care deserves a warranty. Puros Santa Clara, SA de CV guarantees that this product is of superior quality. We are certain of the quality; therefore we guarantee each and every one of our cigars Santa Clara Special Edition.

Proudly From Hand to Hand

Santa Clara was born in the Valley of San Andres, know by many cigar manufacturers for its excellent tobacco. The family began their work in these wonderful soil during the XIX Century, this Santa Clara 1830 represents “Family Tradition”.

Sweet flavor with strength and a firm draw, a fantastic nutty character on the “gusto”. Taste of nuts and coffee for an easy smoke.

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