Cigarslover Magazine Rated Capa Flor Habano In The Summer 2020 Edition
Capa Flor
For years, the ancient soils of San Andres – Mexico have produced great tobaccos that have quietly, secretly ended up in some of your favorite cigars, usually as binders and wrappers. For too long San Andres has been a tobacco grower to supplement the blends of the other countries’ cigars.
Now Capa Flor has stepped out into the open to challenge any takers that San Andres not only grows some great leaf, but is fully able to produce a GREAT CIGAR.
Capa Flor as a cigar that can surely hold its own against blends from the dominant cigar nations.
Cigar Blind Tasting. Our best seller brand!
Rated 87
86-89 High Quality and Very Pleasant.